Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I'm Back, Baby!

Wow - it sure has been a long time since I worked on this thing... almost 2 years! I kind of got sidetracked restoring a Donkey Kong - not a bad way to spend some free time! Since that project is now finished I can get back to this one. I was moving things around in the garage the other day and I saw this thing just sitting in the corner under a tarp looking all pathetic so I decided it was time to get this project moving again.

Since I last posted I managed to stain the cabinet and add several coats of poly to the entire cabinet. I also got the t-molding in place. It's a good start. There is still a ton left to do:
  • Install front drawer
  • Install front access door
  • Finish control panel box
  • Wire everything
  • Figure out how to rotate the monitor
  • Buy and install computer
Easier said than done. I really need to get some projects off my plate.


Unknown said...

Hope you make some progress! I'm in the process of a similarly inspired project with the theme of an armoir. I'll probably be lifting some of your CP design.

Hamster of DOOM said...

Come on dood when we finishing this??